Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Pharmaceutical Market

Vietnam’s healthcare system is currently in general on the move due to the economic growth and the rapid development.

Twenty years ago, the healthcare was under sole control of the central government. Later it became clear that apart from government subventions yet further means were necessary in order to finance the system.

Meanwhile, a system consisting of three components exists. Since then, the healthcare is financed either via government funds, out of the own pocket of the population or by means of health insurance. Moreover, the poor were released from the obligation to pay the fees. Nevertheless, most hospital revenue comes from private payments.

In contrast to other Asian countries, Vietnam spends very much funds for healthcare. The expenses for this purpose amount to about 5% o 6% of the gross domestic product.

Particularly noticeable is the difference between public and private expenditure. While nearly three fourth of the expenditure are attributed to the private sector, the public sector generates only one fourth of it.

Although Vietnam is subject to a constant progress, it is urgently required to continue extending the healthcare system. The country claims to have eliminated many infectious diseases. Nevertheless, malaria, trachoma, tuberculosis and cholera, poliomyelitis and typhus still cause a high mortality rate. In 2003, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) broke out and had grave consequences.

A reason for the diseases is the lack of hygiene and education of the population. The government spoke out in favor of making usual vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and even measles. Communal health centers were established and, in addition, the educational work was promoted. It included among other things the advice to ingest pure water and washed food and the adjustment of living conditions in general to usual Western standards.

Besides, the government launched a program for the eradication of rats, mosquitoes and flies.

Thanks to some improvements in the recent years, the life expectancy increased and the infant mortality rate dropped to 3.4%. Nevertheless, it is still a relatively high rate. Furthermore, a lot of cases of chronic malnutrition still exist, particularly in ethnic minorities in remote and mountainous regions.

Furthermore, HIV and AIDS present a big problem. It is estimated that 215,000 people are HIV-positive. About 8,500 of them are children aged between 0 and 15 years. There are about 22,000 orphans who lost their parents because of AIDS.

The spread of the disease is to be put down on the one hand to intravenous drug use and on the other hand to unprotected sexual intercourse, not least because it is what many women do by profession. Taking it into consideration, the government, the party and the National Assembly launched programs promoting the prevention and control. What is more, Vietnam is one of 15 countries that receive funds within a global AIDS control plan amounting to US$ 15 billion.

There are still other communicable diseases in Vietnam. Among them are hepatitis B, parasitic diseases, acute inflammations of respiratory tracts, tuberculosis, dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis, etc. They cause about 30% of deaths. Moreover, non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes increase steadily. The abuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs is more widespread than before. Such phenomena as suicide, violence and mental illnesses are on the increase.

Many differences in various populations groups are due to different living conditions, which are worse particularly in rural areas.

Some people still suffer from the effects of the use of dioxins that caused cancer, miscarriages and stillbirths. Moreover, a large number of not cleared explosive devices and landmines can still be found in rural areas.

Health promotion and health programs
Almost all hospitals in Vietnam are owned by the state. The insurance is too expensive for the majority of the population. The employer is indeed obliged to pay 18% of the income of an employee inclusive certain extra charges to a social insurance fund and, besides, has to pay 3% of the total amount of the wage or salary. Moreover, the employee has to pay 9.5% of the wage or salary and certain extra charges.

Altogether, the concept of health insurance in Vietnam is relatively new. Health insurances were introduced by the government as recently as 1992. Compulsory insurance applies to all active and pensioned employees in the public sector and all employees in private enterprises with 10 or more employees. The contribution rate amounts to 4.5% of the wage or salary, with the employer having to pay 3% and the employee 1.5%. Health insurances for children and farmers can be effected voluntarily. The government systems include also the issuance of free health insurance cards for the poor. At the same time, however, informal fees, which have a negative effect particularly on the less well-off in the population, are still charged. Naturally, the benefits of health insurances do not yet correspond to Western standards. The long delay in payments presents a particular problem. In 2001, the government developed a “Strategy for the Health of the Population” including two aspects: The reorganization of the health insurance system for the purpose of regulating financial relationships between the users and the providers and searching for new approaches to strengthening the quality and efficiency of nursing services.

Market development
The public expenditure for the healthcare constitutes only 1% of the gross national product and no more than 20% of the income from the healthcare.

The healthcare system is insofar undermined by charging illegal fees. 80% of the turnover is sold out of the own pocket of the population, which amounts to about US$ 23 per capita. Moreover, many medications and placebos are sold illegally.

Today, there are around 800 wholesale establishments. The cost of maintenance of these establishments is relatively high and amounts on average from 4% to 14% of the turnover.

Hospitals and pharmacies are in most provinces and larger towns. Private and public pharmacies are scattered all over the country. They sell usually both local and international products. Their number amounts to 41,500.

Depending on the educational system, the education to become a pharmacist takes 1 year, 3 years or 5 years. Unfortunately, no educational standards exist and each of these qualifications permits to open a pharmacy.

Market barriers
Despite the accession to WTO, some market barriers for investors still exist. Within these barriers fall for instance poor infrastructure, bad education of the population and not yet completed implementation of the WTO agreements.

Another problem is that the prices of pharmaceuticals do not vary. It induces the hospitals to buy from state-owned enterprises only.

The marketing of a product also poses difficulties. For instance, placing of an advertisement requires a special permission. Prescription drugs, which are usually sold only by the state anyway, may be praised in professional journals only. Other forms of advertisement may be made only after the participation in training courses and seminars. Since wholesalers are not allowed to advertise in hospitals, it is common that the advertisement is taken over by agents.

Natural and alternative medicine
Moreover, many Vietnamese trust only the traditional medicine. Basically, there are three kinds of alternative medicine: The northern medicine influenced by China (thuoc Bac), the southern medicine (thuoc Nam) and the western medicine (thuoc Tay).

The philosophy of the northern medicine is based on the Yin-Yang theory. The elements of this theory are of material and moral nature and represent the entire universe. Ying is the feminine, passive element whereas Yang is the active, masculine element. The human body is understood as microcosm in the universe that has to adjust its inner functions to external forces and to the nature. The underlying idea is to create harmony of a human being with the nature, which at the same time constitutes the basis of the medicine.

In the southern medicine, the treatment is performed using tropical plants and animals. Some of these traditional medicines proved to be extremely effective for curing dysentery, arthritis, gastritis, gastric ulcers, cardiac diseases, influenza and hypertension and, besides, have the advantage of being cheap.

The curing method of the western medicine is based on the contact with dangerous spirits.

Vietnamese physicians rely on a diagnosis consisting of four steps: examination, auditory perception, patient interview and pulse rate measurement. However, Vietnamese patients are rather suspicious of specific questions concerning previous medical history and symptoms.

The traditional medicine has a large share in the market. Almost 17% of the pharmaceutical and healthcare turnover comes from the traditional medicine. There are around 250 manufacturers of products for alternative medicine and 450 private enterprises practicing traditional medicine. The producers are successful even in the export.

Foreign investors should be always aware of the great mistrust towards modern medicine and the reverence towards traditional medicine.

Favorable development after the accession to WTO
After the WTO Agreement, a considerable relaxation of the so far limited rights of sale in Vietnam was expected and at least partly implemented in 2009. Prior to this, Vietnam’s structure of distribution was distinguished by statutory restrictions and bureaucracy: Only enterprises operating in the country were allowed to distribute their products themselves. All imported pharmaceuticals had to be brought into the country via a local state-owned enterprise or via an enterprise authorized to import. Consequently, the import enterprises were allowed only to buy foreign products from state-owned enterprises. Afterwards they could resell the imported goods to pharmacies. Only in rare cases had they also the chance to distribute them directly to hospitals. It was due to the fact that hospitals – although they have a certain budget which is provided in 50% by the government – had only over 15% of the budget at their free disposal.

The newly passed law, at the same time as the accession to WTO in 2007, brought the first favorable development. It shall establish equal conditions for national and international enterprises in the country. Since 2009, the formation of fully foreign enterprises is possible. According to this, also foreign manufacturers and wholesalers have been recently in a position to distribute pharmaceuticals without the aid of brokers. Foreign enterprises can also set up branches in Vietnam that are entitled to import goods and to trade. In the context of the sale of placebos, it is to be welcomed that in 2005 regulations concerning the competition law were introduced and the intellectual property rights were put under better protection.

General conditions, advantages and disadvantages for foreign investors
Vietnam offers the following advantages for investors in the pharmaceutical industry: Apart from the very favorable geographical location of Vietnam at the center of Southeast Asia, the country is to be characterized as politically stable. The economic situation improves continually, with the labor cost being still very low.

In 1992, establishing of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) was launched with the goal to create free trade areas within the ASEAN countries, China and possibly India. It will be implemented by 2015. Since 1995, Vietnam is a member of the ASEAN countries and in 1996 it became a member of the AFTA.

Another favorable development is the reduction of the tax rate on pharmaceuticals to 2.5% planned for 5 years after the accession to WTO. The tax rate on cosmetic agents has been reduced from 44% to 17.9%.

Vietnam still imports many medicines, as for example antibacterial agents and antibiotics. These pharmaceuticals play a central role in prevention and treatment of diseases as well as within the scope of supply of raw materials for the industry in the country. Specific pharmaceuticals are still very rare in Vietnam and come mainly from France, Germany and Switzerland. Therefore presents itself the chance for investors to undertake their production in the country. The number of local enterprises in the country increases, too. Vietnam has over 180 pharmaceutical factories and only 25% of them are foreign-funded. Another positive aspect for foreign investors is the fact that the government promotes the cooperation of domestic and foreign enterprises in order to ensure the compliance with international standards. Since this decision of the government, foreign investments in the sector are on the rise. The growth potential results particularly from the fact that Vietnam has a large population, but very low per capita expenditure for pharmaceuticals as yet, namely amounting to less than 10 US dollars per annum.

The economic growth rate of 2007 exceeded 8.5%. The industrial production amounting to US$ 35.9 trillion has improved by 17%. Total exports amounted to US$ 48.4 trillion, which means an increase by 21.7%, and the number of foreign direct investments almost doubled. Their maximum level was around US$ 20.2 million. Taking it into consideration, the profit of the pharmaceutical market is expected to rise to about US$ 1.5 billion by 2011.

Legislation and requirements for obtaining licenses
Opening of a pharmacy is cumbersome. The application for the license can take months. It is particularly problematic that each individual pharmaceutical to be distributed has to be registered and could be applied for only by local manufacturers and local importing firms as yet.

On the other hand, the fees for the license of only US$ 2000 are relatively low. Two certificates have to be granted for the registration of an enterprise. For the sale, it is a so-called FSC certificate (“FSC”) and for the manufacturing a so-called Good Manufacturing Practices (“GMP”) certificate. The GMP can be replaced by the Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (“CPP”). Besides, the product has to be subject to sampling at the Institute for Quality and Control.

The applications have to be submitted in English or French and additionally in Vietnamese. The Vietnamese administration has a separate Pharmaceutical Department that is responsible for granting and cancellation of licenses.

Compared to other Asian countries, the approval of pharmaceuticals is quite simply and quickly to obtain. Altogether, the validity of a license depends on the demand. Thus a license for 5 years is granted usually for a product that is not manufactured locally, but is in high demand. A 3-year license is issued for foreign products being in high demand which cannot be manufactured in adequate quantities at the local level. Altogether, 4 reports have to be submitted for the approval of a new pharmaceutical, namely a legal, a toxicological, an experimental and a clinical report.

The most important registration office for foreign investors is the Ministry of Planning and Investment (“MPI”). The MPI is responsible for granting licenses for substantial investments of foreign investors, but apart from that additionally the approval of other government agencies, as the Pharmaceutical Department, may be required.

Currently, there are over 300 foreign enterprises on the market. Most of them have only a representative office. Especially India and South Korea have a particularly big share in the market. However, the number of potential competitors increases by about 5 to 10% annually.

Especially as locally manufactured products belong mainly to state-owned firms, the prices are very low. Since the raw materials necessary for production have to be imported, also local firms are willing to cooperation.

The continuing economic upturn in Vietnam and the liberalization of the market after the accession to WTO could at the same time constitute a new profitable productive and distribution potential for Western enterprises. Except for the local industry, there are still not many competitors on the market. However, in order to attract investors, it is absolutely necessary to improve Vietnam’s infrastructure. Fortunately, there are already plans for the implementation of a subway and a new airport in Ho Chi Minh City.

In order to promote the pharmaceutical industry in concrete terms, the government has to take yet further modernization measures for the sector. Among them are the development and expansion of the industry of pharmaceutical and chemical substances and agents from medicinal plants, the promotion of the healthcare system and of a reasonable and safe use of medicines. Moreover, efforts have to be made to take steps against illegal distribution of unregistered pharmaceuticals.

Please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Massmann under if you have any questions on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.



Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and the European Union: At this Rate Vietnam Will Kill the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs Vietnam Needs a Sound Strategy

1. Brief Historic Overview/Lessons Learned from the Past
Since the mid 1990s, Vietnam is engaged in international trade. The US embargo on Vietnam was lifted in 1994 and Vietnam joined the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and subscribed to the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), including the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPF) arrangements, in July 1995. During the same year, Vietnam signed the Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation with the EU. However, the most important steps towards international trade relations so far were taken with the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the US signed in 1999 and Vietnam’s accession to the WTO in 2007.
To understand the trade negotiations between Vietnam and the EU concerning the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and to develop a sound strategy, one has to have a look at the BTA and the WTO accession to avoid mistakes that have been made.
Consequently, the core points of the BTA and the WTO accession will be illustrated and the problems will be identified, before having a closer look at the negotiation process and the upcoming issues in relation to the FTA. The article will end with a final conclusion, providing some hypothetical advice for further negotiations addressed to Vietnamese negotiators.
a. BTA US – Vietnam
The US and Vietnam negotiated and concluded the BTA in 1999 and finally implemented it in 2001. It consists of over 100 pages of text, statistics and tables covering obligations on trade in goods, intellectual property rights, trade in services, development of investment relations, business facilitation and transparency. Clearly the Agreement covers a wide range of aspects and is complicated and comprehensive. Nevertheless, the Agreement was not only beneficial for the US in terms of concessions it was also an important step towards the WTO membership of Vietnam, although it did not cover all the WTO bilateral agreements with the US as the Vietnamese authorities anticipated. According to a study of Nguyen Quy Binh, the BTA was important to the Vietnamese for the following reasons: (1) It opened the US market for Vietnamese exports; (2) the BTA was a step towards the WTO accession; (3) it created more business opportunities; and (4) it signified that Vietnam’s commitment to international rules.
It is important to mention the fact that the US benefited a lot from the BTA partly because of the massive post-signing implementation effort they did (e.g. STAR program). One should keep this in mind when assessing the aftermath of the WTO accession.
From an economical point of view, the BTA was a huge success and very important for Vietnam. From 2001 to 2005, the bilateral trade between the US and Vietnam increased tremendously from USD 1.4 billion to over USD 7,6 billion. The imports of products from Vietnam into the US increased from around USD 1 billion to over USD 6.5 billion over this period. US Foreign direct investment (FDI) increased by an average of 27% from 2002 to 2004.
b. WTO Accession
On 11 January 2007 Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), becoming its 150th member. The accession process began in 1995 and within the following 11 years, 14 different multilateral and more than 40 different bilateral negotiations have been held. Vietnam paid a relatively high entrance fee in terms of WTO Plus obligations and special commitments in comparison to the founding members of the WTO, since Vietnam joined as a developing country with no market economy. However, another remarkable reason for Vietnam’s high entrance fee is the fact, that Vietnam joined the WTO right after China, which had to deal with the same fees, but could offer greater economic power/potential.
Unfortunately Vietnam tries to chance the terms of accession through sluggish implementation. Such bad practice is common within the ASEAN community. Vietnamese authorities admit that they were naive to accept the terms of accession when joining, so now try to learn from other countries in the region on how to evade the obligations and enforcement. Another reason for this behavior might be that Vietnam was forced to make law changes prior to its WTO accession. Vietnam felt “hard done by” as a result of the pressure of the WTO members and dragged its feet even more implementing later.
On paper, Vietnam’s concessions for market access liberalization are outstanding compared to other countries in the region. This is illustrated by the analyses below, where we compared the WTO commitments of Vietnam with other countries in the region. The different colors represent the restrictions of market access in the relevant country. Green stands for weak and very few limitations and red for extensive limitations while yellow stands for moderate restriction. The typical indicators are e.g. the number of open sectors, Joint Ventures requirements, limits on foreign owned shares and permission requirements.

Being the 150th member of the WTO, all eyes were on Vietnam at the time and the world acknowledged Vietnam’s extensive WTO commitments together with its market access liberalization.
Unfortunately, Vietnam did not meet expectations, since they tried to evade the implementation of the otherwise very promising WTO commitments. Initially foreign investors expected Vietnam to implement such commitments and thus liberalize its market, but soon realized that there were still protectionist thoughts within Vietnam. Naturally, investors were reluctant to funnel money into the Vietnamese economy. Hence, the Vietnamese authorities almost killed the goose that lays golden eggs called FDI, when they refrained from market liberalization, because they thought their domestic market was a self sustaining gold mine.
c. WTO Agreement on Government Procurement
The Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) is a multilateral agreement within the WTO legal system. A WTO Member will not automatically become a member of the GPA when joining the WTO. Vietnam did not sign the agreement yet. The concept of the agreement is based on transparency, openness and non-discrimination as is the whole WTO system. By signing the GPA a country accredits its commitment to an open and transparent procurement market. This attracts foreign direct investment and avoids the constraining effects of protectionism. It also opens up a whole new market for foreign companies and guarantees a fair procurement procedure. That way Vietnam can get rid of the influence of corrupt Chinese companies and prevent accidents like the collapse of the Can Tho bridge, with death tolls of about 59 persons and 140 injured.
Vietnamese authorities are aware of the importance of the agreement. The MPI even held a conference in 2011 in Hanoi dealing with exactly this topic. Vietnam should consider signing this agreement as soon as possible since it would appease the minds of foreign investors. Apart from that, a smooth negotiation in this regard and a fast signing would be a good signal to the EU, showing that Vietnam is willing to adhere to international trading rules. Hence, signing the GPA would enlarge Vietnam’s international credibility. It is also very likely that the EU diplomats will demand that Vietnam signs the GPA as a condition to conclude the FTA.
Finally Vietnam would benefit from the GPA in various ways hence the Agreement should be signed as soon as possible.
2. Relations Between Vietnam and EU
Vietnam is the EU’s fifth largest trading partner within the ASEAN and the 35th out of the EU’s total trade. The ASEAN countries together are the 3rd largest trading partner of the EU. In 2010 the EU was Vietnam’s 3rd largest trading partner, only after China and the US. The EU is Vietnam’s biggest source of development assistance in grants, a large export market and one of its biggest sources of committed foreign direct investment. In 2011, the EU’s exports (goods) to Vietnam amounted to 5.2 billion USD and the EU’s imports to 12.8 billion USD. Important to mention is that the EU exports are dominated by high tech products (including electrical machinery and equipment, aircraft, vehicles, pharmaceutical products and iron and steel). In 2010 the EU and Vietnam concluded a Partnership & Cooperation Agreement, which was meant to be the first step towards a Free Trade Agreement and to enhance the political and economic relationship.
a. Negotiations Between Vietnam and EU
On 26 June 2012 the EU Trade Commissioner, Karel De Gucht, and the Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade, Vu Huy Hoang, officially launched negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU and Vietnam.”I’m delighted to announce the opening of trade negotiations with Vietnam. The potential for both sides is enormous and the first negotiating round should take place just after the summer break”, said EU Trade Commissioner De Gucht.
The scoping process was concluded in February 2012 after a period of almost 2 years. In this preliminary phase (scoping) an agreement was reached for swift negotiations (2 to 3 years) for an ambitious FTA, liberalizing a major part (90%) of trade within 7 years. The first actual meeting is scheduled for 8. October 2012. However no analyses or preparations have been made until now, so at this point there will be no substantiated negotiations. The first meeting is likely to be considered a warm up phase. Consequently, the substance of the FTA will be discussed next year. Nevertheless, the negotiations are expected to conclude in 2014.
b. The FTA – Topics and Subjects
The aim of the FTA is to boost bilateral trade and resolve trade issues between the two parties. The EU will reduce its import tariffs and seek certain concession from Vietnam. Negotiations will cover trade related subjects such as goods, rule of origin, customs, trade facilitation, trade remedies, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards, services, investment, intellectual property, public procurement, competition, sustainable development. At least the negotiators hope to deal with these points.
3. “Same Same But Different”
Having in mind the above painted picture, two questions arise: 1) Will the FTA have the same boosting effects on the Vietnamese economy as the BTA did; and 2) will there be the same problems concerning the implementation of the FTA as those mentioned in relation to the WTO accession.
a. Will the FTA Have the Same Boosting Effects as the BTA?
The BTA and the WTO accession already had a boosting effect on the Vietnamese economy and thus it is improbable that the FTA will have the same boosting effect. However, this does not mean that there will be no boosting effect at all. It is hard to predict the effect of the agreement since the economy in Europe has its own problems at the moment. Nevertheless, a good FTA could definitely attract investment from Europe and trigger trade with the EU, but Vietnam’s hopes should not be too high. It is not possible to compare the effect the BTA had with the one the FTA might have, since the BTA was the most important trade Agreement after Vietnam opened its market. Hence it is not surprising, that the BTA had an enormous boosting effect.
The situation at the moment on the other hand is completely different since Vietnam already opened its market and joined the WTO. Thus, the opportunity to grow is not as big as it was more than 10 years ago.
However, the EU is still interested in accessing the Vietnamese market and thus, it is very keen to negotiate special market access terms, as well as rules similar to the BTA’s commitments. Due to the fact, that the EU wants to be a trading partner of Vietnam on a similar level as the US, it is very likely that the boosting effect of a mutually beneficial agreement will take effect. However, making a reliable prediction, even before the negotiation process has become substantiated, is almost impossible.
b. Will the FTA Face the Same Implementation-Problems?
The same problems concerning a reliable prediction arise when asking if there will be the same implementation problems. Hence, it is more reasonable to point out to the Vietnamese Government, that if the same problems occur, the boosting effect will be inhibited. The economic potential of a FTA between Vietnam and the EU will vanish the same way expectations will vanish that Vietnam is fully committed to international trading rules.
This would be the worst thing that could happen, since it would not only slow down the potential boosting effect of the FTA, it would also affect international trade relations with other nations since Vietnam will lose credibility.
The Vietnamese authorities should keep the consequences of bad practice in mind, when negotiating the agreement. A protectionist aftermath, similar to the one after the WTO accession would be very harmful for the Vietnamese economy. Thus, once again, the Government would kill the golden egg laying goose, called FDI and international trade.
4. A Mutual Beneficial Agreement?
One of the core questions when it comes to FTA negotiations between Vietnam and the EU is who needs whom?
a. Does Europe need Vietnam?
The first alternative of this question would be: Does Europe need Vietnam. From a European prospective one could argue: no, the EU does not need Vietnam. Despite the problems within the EU its economy is strong and powerful, with trade relations to all parts of the world. There is no urgent need to engage trade relations with a non-market or transitional market economy like Vietnam.
However, this perception is too short sighted and a biased one. In 2015, there will be a FTA between the EU and ASEAN with a full liberalization of services. Hence, the member states of the EU will have full access to all ASEAN markets. As a developing country, Vietnam will be granted a grace period and must therefore open its markets only until 2023. Consequently, Vietnam will benefit from the open markets (free trade zone) without being obliged to open up their own markets until the end of the grace period in 2023. In December 2009, EU Member States gave the green light for the European Commission to pursue negotiations towards Free Trade Agreements with individual ASEAN countries. Negotiations with Singapore and Malaysia began in March 2010 and October 2010 respectively. Vietnam will thus be the third partner of the EU in the ASEAN region with whom the EU has started negotiations on a free trade agreement.
While pursuing a bilateral approach, the EU is not losing sight of the ultimate goal of achieving an agreement with ASEAN as a whole, one of the most dynamic regions in the world.
Despite this upcoming FTA, the EU needs a foothold in ASEAN prior to the signing of the FTA between ASEAN and the EU in 2015. Thus, the fact that the EU needs a foothold in ASEAN is a reason why the EU needs Vietnam and this shows why the above made statement is too short sighted.
b. Does Vietnam Need Europe?
Although the EU needs Vietnam, it is obvious that Vietnam needs the EU even more.
The first reason is, the EU is one of the largest investors in Vietnam with an investment volume around 1.8 billion US. This represents more than 12% of the total committed FDI in 2011. These figures indicate that the EU is very important for Vietnam in terms of investment and it is very likely that the trade relations and investment opportunities between the two parties will extend after the FTA is signed. However, this will only be the case if the commitments are mutually beneficial and will be implemented properly.
The second reason why Vietnam needs the EU is, because Vietnam approaches the so called “middle income trap”. Vietnam’s advantage in international trade is cheap labor, but in the course of becoming an industrialized country, living in Vietnam is becoming more expensive and thus the labor costs increase. This kills Vietnam’s advantage of cheap labor. Vietnam has to compete with countries like Cambodia and Burma and they do not only have cheap labor, they are also granted “everything but arms” status (EBA). The status is granted to leased-developed countries (LDCs) by the EU, with the effect that all imports into the EU from these countries are duty and quota free. Those benefits are not granted to Vietnam. Thus, it is very hard to compete with these countries without having a special trade agreement with the EU. The FTA would level the playing field with the LDCs.
The third reason is the reform of the generalized system of preference (GSP). The GSP is a formal system of exemptions from general WTO commitments and obligations. In the course of the reform, the maximum average annual income per capita will be fixed at USD 4000 per year to obtain GSP. When a country exceeds this average income, it will be excluded from the GSP. This will happen to Thailand. Vietnam is approaching this level, but it has not reached it yet. The consequence of Thailand being excluded from the GSP and Vietnam still being part of the GSP is not beneficial as it might seem at a first glance. More precisely, the exclusion of Thailand will have negative effects on Vietnam in terms of graduation. Graduation is the temporary exclusion from the GSP when a country monopolizes in a preferable import sector. When Thailand is permanently excluded from the GSP, the chance for Vietnam to be graduated becomes higher, since both countries produce and export the same goods. The consequence would be that Vietnam has to compete with other countries which are benefiting from the GSP without benefiting itself. This is a hard task and thus Vietnam needs another “joker” – a “joker” called FTA. This would protect Vietnam’s market access on a permanent contractual basis.
5. Conclusion
This study clarifies that Vietnam needs the FTA and the EU to compete with other countries in its region. It also indicates that Vietnam made mistakes in the aftermath of its WTO accession not implementing all its WTO commitments. This almost killed all the accession benefits. Furthermore, it was elaborated that the BTA had a boosting effect on the trade relations of the US and Vietnam and that a boosting effect after the FTA can be expected. However, this effect will not be as significant as the one of the BTA since Vietnam is already a member of the WTO.
In summary one can say that Vietnam has to draw its lessons from the former trade negotiations (BTA and WTO accession).
The FTA is a big chance for Vietnam to attract more FDI and to engage trade, with the consequence that the whole country will benefit. Therefore Vietnam needs to have a sound strategy when starting to enter into negotiation with the EU. It must furthermore avoid making the same mistakes again.
If we had to draft a sound strategy for Vietnam’s diplomats, we would advise them to:
a. Not miss the chance to gain FDI again;
b. Use the publicity and attention to attract investors;
c. Preserve the present market and secure the access to this sector (e.g. textile);
d. Adapt to new challenges – the textile market is not granted for ever;
e. Do not solely rely on the advantage of cheap labor;
f. Try to give the EU what they ask for to access their market – Vietnam needs the EU;
g. Sign the GPA as soon as possible;
h. Stick to your promises – implement what you have signed; and finally
i. Do not kill the egg laying goose called FDI by using protectionist measures as you did in the aftermath of your WTO accession!

Should you havce any questions, please contact Oliver Massmann under:; Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.
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Rechtsanwalt in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Die wichtigste Regelung in Verträgen in Vietnam – Schiedsgerichtsklauseln richtig eingesetzt

1. Warum Schiedsgerichtsklauseln?
Dieser Artikel soll ausländischen Unternehmen die Notwendigkeit von Schiedsgerichtsklauseln vor Augen führen und eine Hilfestellung bei der Auswahl der in Frage kommenden Alternativen zur vietnamesischen Gerichtsbatrkeit darstellen.
Nachteile der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit
Verträge in Nordamerika und Europa regeln zumeist en detail die Pflichten der Parteien und ihre Klauseln werden sorgfältig auf ihre Wirksamkeit geprüft. Die rechtliche Durchsetzbarkeit solcher Verträge vor den Gerichten wird regelmäßig als gegeben angesehen.
Verträge von Investoren mit vietnamesischen Vertragspartnern oder einem Bezug zu Vietnam, der eine vietnamesische gerichtliche Zuständigkeit begründen kann, sollten jedoch immer die hier entscheidende Frage regeln, welcher Spruchkörper unter Anwendung welchen nationalen Rechts und in welcher Sprache im Streitfall zuständig wird.
Ohne Schiedsgerichtsklausel ist der Rechtsweg zu den vietnamesischen Gerichten eröffnet. Die beteiligten Parteien müssen sich aber über die Besonderheiten vietnamesischer Gerichte gegenüber westlichen rechtsstaatlichen Gerichten im Klaren sein. Laut Transparency International besteht das Risiko korrumpierter Urteile fort, und knapp ein Fünftel der befragten vietnamesischen Haushalte mit Kontakt zu Gerichten gab an, bereits Bestechungsgelder bezahlt zu haben (Global Corruption Barometer 2011). Viele Unternehmen lehnen daher die vietnamesische Gerichtsbarkeit ab, da sie die Existenz von Bestechungsgeldern abschreckt (Global Integrity 2011; USAID’s Vietnam Provincial Competitiveness Index 2011). Neben des somit leider noch nicht ausschließbaren Korruptionsrisikos kämpft die vietnamesische Justiz trotz ernsthafter Verbesserungsbemühungen noch mit weiteren Problemen: Nach einer Studie des US-Außenministeriums aus 2012 haben viele vietnamesische Richter keine ausreichende Ausbildung und verdanken ihre Stellen persönlichen Kontakten zu Parteikadern oder ihren politischen Ansichten. Die Abhängigkeit der Justiz von Partei und Bestechungsgeldern wird durch extrem niedrige Richtergehälter und kurze Amtszeiten von fünf Jahren, nach denen eine erneute Ernennung erfolgen muss, verstärkt. Hinzu kommt das systemische Problem, dass sich Rechtsstaatlichkeit und ein Einparteiensystem mangels faktischer Gewaltenteilung gegenseitig ausschließen (Andersson 2012). Der Begriff Rechtsstaatlichkeit bedeutet in seiner vietnamesischen Übersetzung eher Regeln des Staates, folglich also der kommunistischen Partei, die die Geschicke des Einparteienstaates ausmacht. Demgemäß muss davon abgeraten werden, mögliche Streitfälle zwischen den Vertragsparteien der vietnamesischen Justiz anzuvertrauen, da noch immer mit der Möglichkeit politischer Einflussnahme, gekauften oder überforderten Richtern gerechnet werden muss. Ein weiterer nicht landesspezifischer Nachteil der ordentlichen Gerichtsbarkeit und in Rechtsstaaten regelmäßig der Hauptgrund für Schiedsgerichtklauseln ist für viele Geschäftsbeziehungen der Öffentlichkeitsgrundsatz, der in delikaten Angelegenheiten Vertragsparteien zur außergerichtlichen Konfliktbeilegung zwingen kann.
Vorteile von Schiedsgerichten
Schiedsgerichte bieten, sofern sie sorgfältig ausgewählt werden, Unabhängigkeit in der Entscheidung und fachliche Kompetenz. So kann bereits für den Streitfall eine Auswahl möglicher Schiedsrichter getroffen werden, wodurch die Akzeptanz einer möglichen späteren Entscheidung deutlich vergrößert werden kann. Bei der Auswahl des Schiedsrichters (oder gegebenenfalls einer Mehrzahl von Schiedsrichtern) sollte je nach Geschäftszweig auf eventuell erforderliche fachliche Eignung für Streitfälle des jeweiligen Geschäftsfeldes geachtet werden. So verfügt jede in Frage kommende Schiedsgerichtsstelle über die entsprechenden Fachleute.
2. Welches Schiedsgericht?
Ein entscheidende Weichenstellung bei jeder Schiedsgerichtsklausel in Vietnam ist die Frage, ob ein vietnamesisches Schiedsgericht wie etwa der Vietnamese Arbitrational Court (VIAC) oder ein offshore Schiedsgericht im Ausland wie etwa der Singapore Arbitrational Court (SIAC) im Streitfall befasst werden soll. Die folgenden Faktoren sollten bei dieser Frage anhand einer Gesamtabwägung berücksichtigt werden:
Bei Großprojekten mit einem Volumen ab ca. $5M als grober Richtwert empfiehlt sich grundsätzlich die Wahl eines internationalen Schiedsgerichts. In dieser Größenordnung dürfte das Problem des Kostendrucks (siehe unten) zu vernachlässigen sein. Die Entscheidung eines internationalen Spruchkörpers wird bei Großprojekten auch eher von den Parteien anerkannt werden, da nicht hinreichende Fachkompetenz der Schiedsrichter und die (entfernte) Möglichkeit politischen Drucks auf vietnamesische Schiedsrichter weitgehend ausgeschlossen sind.
Belegenheit pfändbarer Vermögensgegenstände – Vollstreckungsrisiken ausländischer Schiedssprüche
Ein weiterer bedeutender Faktor ist der Belegenheitsort von Vermögensgegenständen des Vertragspartners, in die im Rahmen der Durchsetzung des Schiedsspruches vollstreckt werden kann. Befinden sich diese weitgehend in Vietnam, muss bei einer Entscheidung eines ausländischen Schiedsgerichtes ein ausländischer Schiedsspruch in Vietnam vollstreckt werden, was gegenüber einem inländischen Schiedsspruch nachteilig ist. Zwar ist Vietnam 1995 dem New Yorker Übereinkommen über die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Schiedssprüche von 1958 (NYC) beigetreten, so dass ausländische Schiedssprüche der 149 Vertragsstaaten grundsätzlich vollstreckt werden können. Zum einen besteht aber die Gefahr der Verzögerung, denn neben einem Vollstreckungsantrag beim Justizministerium sind unter Umständen weitere Erklärungen sowie eine Anhörung erforderlich, die zu einer Entscheidung führt, gegen die die Berufung statthaft ist. Zum anderen besteht die Gefahr, dass das befasste vietnamesische Vollstreckungsgericht den Schiedsspruch ablehnt. Nach Artikel V der NYC ist dies im Falle einer Verletzung des nationalen ordre public durch den Schiedsspruch zulässig. Die vietnamesische Zivilprozessordnung hat dies mit „Grundprinzipien der Vietnamesischen Gesetze“ übersetzt, und die vietnamesische Justiz hat diesen Ausnahmetatbestand recht breit angewendet (Tam Shu Ching et al. 2012); in einem Fall etwa auf der Grundlage, dass einem vor dem Schiedsgericht siegreichen Investor eine Baugenehmigung gefehlt hat (Tyco Services Singapore Pte Ltd v Leighton Contractors Vietnam).
Die unterschiedlich hohen Kosten von on- und offshore arbitration müssen mitbedacht werden. Für einen Streitwert von jeweils $4M mit nur einem Schiedsrichter fallen vor dem VIAC etwa Schiedsgerichtskosten von ca $62000 an, die vor dem SIAC mit etwa $117000 beinahe in doppelter Höhe anfallen. Wirtschaftlich noch bedeutender dürften aber die Folgekosten von offshore arbitration sein. Reisekosten für Parteien, Zeugen und Anwälte fallen an. Stundensätze von Anwälten am Ort des internationalen Schiedsgerichts übersteigen die in Vietnam üblichen Sätze oft deutlich (Shouzhi et al. 2009), gleiches gilt für Gutachten und sonstige Fachleute. Die Gefahr eines besonders kostspieligen Rechtsstreits kann weniger liquide Unternehmen unter den Druck setzen, zu dessen Vermeidung auch an sich nachteilige Vergleiche zu schließen. Für weniger finanzstarke Unternehmen kann daher die günstigere onshore arbitration vorteilhaft sein.
Komplexität und Spezialität von Vertragsgegenstand und möglichen Streitpunkten
Vietnamesischen Schiedsgerichten wie dem VIAC kann allgemein eine hohe juristische Kompetenz zugesprochen werden. Noch sind jedoch keine international annerkannten Experten unter den verfügbaren Schiedsrichtern, was seine Ursache in den vergleichsweise niedrigen Honoraren der Schiedsrichter hat. Hochkomplexe oder besonders spezielle Geschäfte haben daher mehr Aussicht auf einen von beiden Seiten anerkannten Schiedsspruch, wenn sie von teureren ausländischen Schiedsrichtern mit der entsprechenden Expertise entschieden werden.
(versteckte) Staatsunternehmen
Geschäfte mit Staatsunternehmen (state owned enterprise, SOE) werden vorzugsweise einer offshore-Schiedsgerichtsklausel unterstellt. Damit ist gewährleistet, dass die befassten Schiedsrichter jeder obrigkeitlichen Einflussnahme durch die andere Partei entzogen sind. In der Theorie besteht zwar das Folgeproblem der Vollstreckung innerhalb Vietnams. Die bisherige Entwicklung hat aber gezeigt, dass ein positiver Schiedsspruch in dieser Situation – wenn er auch evtl. praktisch nicht vollstreckbar ist – jedenfalls die Verhandlungssituation des Investors gegenüber dem Vertragspartner ungemein stärkt.
Gleiches gilt für Verträge mit „versteckten Staatsunternehmen“. Das sind Unternehmen, die de facto unter staatlichem Einfluß stehen, z.B. durch Anteilseigentum von Tochterfirmen anderer Staatsunternehmen. Die „Staatsunternehmenseigenschaft“ ist daher sorgfältig zu prüfen.
Sonderfall: Geistiges Eigentum
In bestimmten Fällen sollte in Verträgen, die geistiges Eigentum betreffen, sichergestellt werden, dass keine behördlichen Maßnahmen des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes durch eine Schiedsgerichtsklausel abgeschnitten werden. Zwar sind nach dem LCA einstweilige Maßnahmen durch Schiedsgerichte grundsätzlich möglich. Unter Zuhilfenahme kompetenten Rechtsrates sollte aber jeweils im Einzelfall dort eine etwaige Öffnungsklausel in Betracht gezogen werden, wo vietnamesische Gerichte oder Behörden wie das Market Management Bureau effektiven einstweiligen Rechtsschutz bieten können.

Wahl des Rechtsweges

Vietnamesische Gerichtsbarkeit onshore Schiedsgericht
bei Vietnam International Arbitration Center (VIAC) offshore Schiedsgericht
generell abzuraten Projektgröße unter $5M Projektgröße über $5M
nur in Sonderfällen sind ggf. Öffnungsklauseln in einer Schiedsgerichtsklausel in Betracht zu ziehen:
z.B. Zulässigkeit von Rechtsbehelfen des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes etwa durch das Market Management Office in Fällen, die geistiges Eigentum betreffen pfändbare Vermögensgegenstände des Vertragspartners befinden sich hauptsächlich in Vietnam pfändbare Vermögensgegenstände des Vertragspartners sind (auch) im Ausland vorhanden
geringere Komplexität der Materie höhere Komplexität der Materie
Vertrag betrifft allgemeinere Rechtsgebiete, z.B. Kaufrecht Vertrag betrifft Rechtsgebiete, die einen Schiedsspruch durch hochspezialisierte Fachleute erfordern
Vertragspartner ist kein (verstecktes) Staatsunternehmen Vertragspartner ist ein (verstecktes) Staatsunternehmen
eher geringe eigene Finanzstärke, Gefahr von Kostendruck hohe Finanzstärke, Kostendruck stellt keine Gefahr dar
keine Schiedsgerichtsklausel erforderlich Schiedsgerichtsklausel erforderlich! Schiedsgerichtsklausel erforderlich!

3. So wird’s gemacht
Das vietnamesische Recht lässt durch das vietnamesische Schiedsgerichtsgesetzes (Law 54/2010/QH12 on Commercial Arbitration, „LCA“) ausdrücklich Schiedsgerichtsvereinbarungen in handelsrechtlichen Verträgen zu. Durch eine wirksame Schiedsgerichtklausel wird nach Art. 6 LCA den vietnamesischen Gerichten die Entscheidungskompetenz über den entsprechenden Fall entzogen und ausschließlich dem jeweiligen Schiedsgericht zugesprochen. Das vietnamesische Gesetz folgt hinsichtlich der Verfahrensordnung weitgehend der UNCITRAL-Schiedsgerichtsordnung als internationalem Standard, und seine gesetzgeberische Intention ist durchaus schiedsgerichtsfreundlich.
Wenn die Entscheidung getroffen wurde, dass und wo ein Schiedsgericht über mögliche aus dem Vertrag resultierenden Streitigkeiten entscheidet, sollten noch folgende Punkte geklärt werden:
 Rechtswahl: Das anzuwendende materielle Recht kann nach Art. 14 Nr. 2 LCA in Streitfällen mit Auslandsbezug frei gewählt werden. Die Rechtswahl ist auch entscheidend für die Auswahl der Schiedsrichter

 Gerichtssprache: Die Sprache des schiedsgerichtlichen Verfahrens kann nach Art. 10 Nr. 2 LCA in Streitfällen mit Auslandsbezug frei gewählt werden.

 Anzahl der Schiedsrichter: Mehrere Schiedsrichter können als kollegialer Spruchkörper u.U. ausgewogenere Entscheidungen treffen. Die Verfahrenskosten steigen jedoch entsprechend.

 falls Spezialisten erforderlich sind: Person des Schiedsrichters.
Die Klausel wird wirksam, wenn sie die Voraussetzungen der Art. 16, 18 und 19 LCA erfüllt, also insbesondere schriftlich und in wirksamer Stellvertretung geschlossen wird.
Die Frage einer Schiedsgerichtsklausel ist für Verträge in Vietnam gegenwärtig mit einem klaren ja zu beantworten. Schwieriger ist die Entscheidung, wo das Verfahren stattfinden soll, da eine Reihe von Faktoren sorgfältig abgewogen werden muss. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass das schiedsgerichtsfreundliche LCA von 2010 in der Praxis hält, was es verspricht, und die vietnamesische Justiz in- und ausländische Schiedsgerichtsurteile zuverlässig vollstreckt. Dies wäre zugleich das richtige Signal, um die Vorbehalte ausländischer Investoren weiter zu zerstreuen.

Falls Sie Fragen zu den hieraufgeführten Inhalten haben sollten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Autor, Oliver Massmann, unter

Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

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Rechtsanwalt in Vietnam Oliver Massmann – Vietnam – Das neue Investitionsgesetz und Unternehmensgesetz 2015

Ein bisschen mehr Klarheit ?

Die kürzlich geänderten Investitions- und Unternehmensgesetze, die am 1. Juli 2015 in Kraft treten, werden auf Jahre hinaus große Auswirkungen auf die Tätigkeit und Führung von ausländisch finanzierten Unternehmen haben.

Investitionsgesetz 2014
Das Investitionsgesetz aus dem Jahr 2014 ist ein wesentlicher Versuch, die Anzahl der verbotenen und beschränkten Wirtschaftszweige zu reduzieren. Darüber hinaus definiert es den Begriff des ausländischen Investors neu und ersetzt den Begriff des „ausländisch-finanzierten Unternehmens“ durch den Begriff „Wirtschaftsunternehmen mit ausländischem Kapital“.
Weiterhin spricht es nicht mehr von „direkten Investitionen“ oder „indirekten Investitionen“. Gewisse Änderungen ergeben sich auch auf die Ausgestaltung von Investitionen in Vietnam. Noch wichtiger ist, dass das Investitionsgesetz aus dem Jahr 2014 Abschreibungsrichtlinien für Fusionen und Übernahmen (Merger and Acquisitions / M&A) enthält.

Ein neues Leitbild – aber auch mehr Klarheit?
Ein ausländischer Investor wurde bisher als jede ausländische juristische oder natürliche Person definiert, die Mittel aufwendete, um in Vietnam zu investieren. Diese Definition hat in den vergangenen zehn Jahren viel Verwirrung darüber gestiftet, ob von einem ausländischen Investor zu sprechen ist, wenn ein Ausländer 1 %, 49 % oder 51 % der Firmenanteile hält. Indes führt das Investitionsgesetz von 2014 eine einfachere und klarere Definition ein. Ein ausländischer Investor ist nun jede ausländische Rechtsperson nach ausländischem Recht.
Allerdings erhellt das neue Leitbild vom „ ausländisch beherrschten Unternehmen“ – eine bloße Entsprechung zum früheren „Unternehmen mit ausländischem Kapital“ – nicht die Bedeutung des vorherigen Begriffs. Ein „ausländisch beherrschtes Unternehmen“ ist als wirtschaftliches Unternehmen definiert, das einen Gesellschafter oder Anteilseigner hat, der ausländischer Investor ist. Es ist unklar, welches Beteiligungsverhältnis ein Unternehmen als „ausländisch beherrschtes Unternehmen auszeichnet.
Einstweilen wird durch das Investitionsgesetz aus dem Jahr 2014 das Beteiligungsverhältnis über die Zulassung zu Investmentvorhaben ausländischer Investoren bestimmen. Sofern das nicht ausreichend in den Durchführungsbestimmungen dargelegt sein wird, werden Schwierigkeiten bei Investitionsanträgen unvermeidbar zunehmen.

Verbotene und beschränkte Wirtschaftszweige Artikel 6 des Investitionsgesetztes senkt die Zahl der verbotenen Geschäftszweige auf sechs anstelle von 51 im bis 2005 geltenden Investitionsgesetz von. Auch die Anzahl der beschränkten Wirtschaftszweige wurde herabgesetzt, von 386 auf 267. Insbesondere erlaubt das neue Gesetz den Investoren Investitionen in Branchen, in denen das nicht ausdrücklich durch das Gesetz verboten ist. Das ist im Vergleich zum alten Gesetz, das den Investoren Geschäftstätigkeiten und Investitionen nur in ausdrücklich erlaubten Branchen erlaubt hat, eine neue Herangehensweise. Folglich besteht mehr Transparenz und Investoren steht eine größere Bandbreite an Investitionsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.

Praktische Umsetzung
Bei Investitionen in Vietnam wird nicht mehr zwischen direkten oder indirekten Investitionen unterschieden, vielmehr werden sie folgendermaßen eingestuft: (i) Gründung eines neuen Unternehmens für ein Investitionsvorhaben, (ii) Investition als öffentlich-private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), (iii) Investition als Kooperationsvertrag und (iv) Kapitaleinlage, Kauf von Anteilen oder Einzahlung von Einlagen in ein Unternehmen.

Ein interessanter Punk ist die Abschaffung des Investitionsanmeldungsnachweises (IRC) für Investitionsvorhaben inländischer Investoren ohne Rücksicht auf die Investitionssumme. Ferner findet die Zulassung – Investitionsanmeldung und Wertermittlung – nicht mehr zweistufig statt.
Wenn jedoch ausländische Investoren ein Unternehmen in Vietnam gründen möchten, müssen sie anstelle der gleichzeitigen Beantragung von IRC und Unternehmensanmeldung (ERC) nun zwei unterschiedliche Anträge stellen:
für das IRC und das ERC. Das könnte hinsichtlich der Kosten und der Zeit für ausländische Investoren schwieriger sein.

Kapitaleinlage, Beteiligungserwerb
Durch das Investitionsgesetz von 2014 können Kapitaleinlagen folgendermaßen abgewickelt werden: (i) Kapitaleinlage, die zum ersten Mal oder von Aktiengesellschaften ausgegeben werden, (ii) Kapitaleinlagen in Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung oder Partnerschaftsgesellschaften oder (iii) Kapitaleinlagen in Unternehmen, die nicht unter (i) oder (ii) fallen.
Ausländische Investoren, die durch Kapitaleinlagen, Beteiligungs- oder Anteilskäufe investieren, müssen beim lokalen Ministerium für Industrie und Handel anzeigen, wenn sie in Unternehmen, die zu für ausländische Investoren beschränkten Wirtschaftszweige gehören, Kapital einlegen, Beteiligungen oder Anteile kaufen; oder wenn die Kapitaleinlage oder der Beteiligungserwerb im Ergebnis auf einen Anteil von 51 Prozent oder mehr des Stammkapitals abzielt.
Zu solchen Unternehmen zählen auch solche, bei denen ein ausländischer Investor 51 Prozent oder mehr des Stammkapitals hält oder die Mehrheit der Partner ausländische Personen sind (bei Partnergesellschaften); oder Unternehmen, (i) deren Stammkapital zu 51 Prozent oder (ii) ausländische Unternehmen und Investoren, die mehr als 51% des Stammkapitals halten.

Gesellschaftsgesetz 2014
Das Gesellschaftsgesetz 2014 vereinfacht das Verfahren zur Gründung einer Gesellschaft und sieht neue Bestimmungen zur Unternehmensführung und klarere Vorschriften für Konzerne vor.

Bitte wenden Sie Sich an den Autor Oliver Massmann unter; wenn Sie Fragen haben. Interesse an Vietnam: besuchen sie:; Oliver Massmann ist der Generaldirektor von Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Vielen Dank!

Anwalt in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Public Private Partnerships

Die These
Die VBF Infrastructure Group ist seit inzwischen zehn Jahren Fürsprecherin einer stärkeren Beteiligung des privaten Sektors in der Infrastruktur und ich möchte nunmehr die Gelegenheit zu einer Bestandsaufnahme zwecks Unterbreitung gezielter Empfehlungen nutzen.

i. Das Anliegen
Die bei der VBF grundlegende, seit zehn Jahren bestehende Sorge, dass das Versagen bei Entwicklung der Infrastruktur zu einem Flaschenhals für Vietnams Waschtum werden wird, ist inzwischen allgemein anerkannt. Auf Seite 3 des Vietnam Investment Review vom 2. November 2009, ist die Feststellung Premierminister Dung nachzulesen, dass sich „die Infrastruktur im Jahr 2009 nicht entwickelt hat. Dies wird das Wirtschaftswachstum dauerhaft beeinträchtigen. (…) Vietnams Strassen sind minderwertig und die Elektrische Versorgung deckt nicht dem Bedarf der Bevölkerung. Es mangelt nach wie an städtischer Infrastruktur und an Wasserent- und -versorgung.“ Die Einschätzung des Premierministers deckt sich mit der des World Economic Forum, wonach Vietnam das Schlusslicht im Wettbewerbsindex bzgl. der Qualität von Infrastruktur im Vergleich mit den Nachbarländern bildet. Logistikkosten, die im Kontext zu Investitionen in die Infrastruktur stehen, machen in den USA 9,5 % des BIP aus ; 11 % in Japan; 21 % in China und 25 % in Vietnam, wobei der Mangel an tauglichen Tiefseehäfen Vietnam mit schätzungsweise 1.7 Mrd. US $ an Logistikkosten pro Jahr zu veranschlagen ist, da die lokalen Unternehmen Ihre Handelsgüter via HK und Singapur umschlagen müssen. Global betrachtet bestand vor der Weltwirtschaftskrise die Tendenz des allgemeinen Rückgangs von staatlichen Investitionen in die Infrastruktur verglichen zu Investitionen aus dem privaten Sektor. In seiner Rede vor der VBF im Dezember 2009 sprach Minister Phuc (Minister für Planung and Investitionen „MPI“) sehr deutlich davon, dass die Zusammenarbeit von öffentlichem und privatem Sektor zwingend erforderlich ist, um die erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu erkennen und umzusetzen – nicht nur um aus der makro-ökonomischen Rezession herauszukommen, sondern eben auch das infrastrukturelle Problem zu lösen. Der infrastrukturelle Bedarf ist unermesslich in Vietnam; die Nachfrage nach Energie wächst dauerhaft um über 15% per annum und wird Aufwendungen von ca. 60 Mrd. US $ im Jahr 2025 erforderlich machen. Notwendige Investitionen in die Telekommunikation, Häfen, Flughäfen, Strassen, Schienen und Lufttransport sind unermesslich. Das MPI schätzt, dass in den nächsten 5 Jahren ca. 139 US $ aufgebracht werden müssten.

ii. PPP
Die Frage ist nun, was diesbezüglich konkret zu tun ist. Die VBF Infrastructure Group (und ihr Vorgänger im Private Sector Forum) hat sich seit 2001 für mehr PPPs stark gemacht. Es besteht nunmehr Einvernehmen in den Wirtschaftskonzernen (und Untergruppen des VBF so von der M&D Group, über Tourismus bis hin zum Finanzmarkt), dass eine stärkere Gewichtung von Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) wünschenswert sei. PPP ist ein sehr bewährtes Vehikel zur Umsetzung wirtschaftlicher Investitionen weltweit. Im Rahmen des PPP-Modells zahlt die Regierung langfristig für zu erbringende Versorgungsleistungen. Von privater Hand wird die Grundlage hierzu mittels umfassender Kreditfinanzierung und unter Einsatz von Anlagekapital geschaffen. Der Ertrag der Anleger hängt von Art der erbrachten Leistungen ab (Zahlungen als Nutzungs- oder Anschlussgebühren). Der private Versorger ist nicht nur für die Leistungserbringung verantwortlich sondern auch für das gesamte Projektmanagement, Durchführung und Betrieb über mehrjährige Laufzeit.

iii. Über den aktuellen Status von PPPs in Vietnam
Wo wurde PPPs in Vietnam realisiert und was kann sie effektiver machen? “PPP” bestehen in Vietnam aus verschiedenen losen Strukturelementen: Zunächst bestehen gesetzliche Bestimmungen für BOT (Build operate and transfer), gemäß derer private Investoren unter günstigen Bedingungen Infrastruktur aufbauen und für deren Gebrauch – bei vereinbarter Laufzeit – staatlich genehmigte Gebühren erheben. Leider wurden seit Schaffung der gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen für BOT in Jahr 1993 lediglich zwei international finanzierte Projekte realisiert. Die BOT-Bestimmungen wurden wiederholt neugefasst, wobei die Änderungen eher formeller nicht aber inhaltlicher Natur sind. Es bestehen allgemeine Bestimmungen für ausländische Investitionen, auf deren Basis ausländische Investoren bisweilen auf kaufmännischer Grundlage das Wagnis der Errichtung von Infrastruktur mit geringfügiger staatlicher Unterstützung eingegangen sind. Dies geschah nachweislich im Hafenbau, in dem die große Reedereien und Hafenbetreiber kleinere Häfen errichteten während die landseitig Infrastruktur von der Regierung gestellt wurde. Es gibt Pilotprojekte, die versuchen, die Kluft zwischen einem formalem PPP-Regelwerk und bestehenden Rechtsordnung zu schließen.

a) Energie
Im Energiesektor sind kleine Erfolge zu vermerken: Das Phu My 2-2 und Phu My 3 Projekt sind beispielhaft für das, was realisierbar ist. Eine 1500 MW Kapazität wurde vollständig von privater Hand finanziert. Diese Anlangen gehen nach einer Laufzeit von weiteren 12 Jahren ohne jegliche Belastung öffentlicher Kassen in das Eigentum des Staates über. Aber die Phu My 2-2 and Phu My 3 Projekte bleiben die Ausnahme. Es wurde kein Folgeprojekt konzessioniert. Und dies trotz bester Bemühungen zahlreicher Entwickler und trotz guten Zusammenwirkens von IFC und MOIT bei der Ausschreibung des Nghi Son 2 Projekts. Darüber hinaus sind Hiep Phuoc, Bourbon Tay Ninh und Formosa Beispiele für erfolgreiche Modelle von Stromproduktion für den Eigenbedarf, die es Privatunternehmen erlauben, den in ihren Fabriken oder Gewerbegebieten benötigte Elektrizität selbst zu erzeugen und Überschüsse an EVN zu verkaufen. Jedoch muss die Aushandlung eines PPA mit EVN zum Erhalt einer Stromlizenz beim MOIT bewältigt werden, wobei ein standardisiertes Verfahren etabliert werden sollte, um Anreize für private Investitionen bei der Generierung für den Eigenbedarf. Darüber hinaus werden Genehmigungen für viele kleinere Wasserkraftprojekte an Entwickler ohne hinreichende finanzielle und operative Leistungsfähigkeit zur ordnungsgemäßen Durchführung der Vorhaben. Infolge dessen bleibt die Nutzung der Wasserkraft deutlich unter ihrem Potential.

b) Häfen
Aktuell gibt es seitens des Privatsektors auch Erfolge im Hafenbau wie zum Beispiel mit Cai Mep and Hiep Phuoc. Die öffentliche Hand verpflichtete sich, Straßen anzulegen und die Erschließen zu sichern, aber hierbei besteht nur untergeordnete formale öffentlich-private Zusammenarbeit – eigens zu diesen Projekten – was für die Entwicklung der Infrastruktur als Ganzes keineswegs hinreicht. Die VBF Untergruppe für Häfen hat eine Untersuchung (aus Auslass der Sitzung des VBF im Juni 2009) vorgelegt, die sich mit den Fragen bezüglich der Einbindung der Privatwirtschaft in diesem Sektor befasst. Die meisten dieser Punkte – vor allem das Unvermögen des Privatsektors ohne Beteiligung an der Debatte um den Integrated Transportation Infrastructure Plan (mit Eckdaten, Zeitfenster für Ausführungen und Veranwortlichkeiten) adäquat zu planen bleiben dringlich.

Die wesentlichsten Problembereiche sind:
• HCMC – Long Thanh, Dau Giay Expressway als zusätzliche Verkehrsarterie.
• Projekt zum Ausbau des Highway 51 als Kernaufgabe zur Bewältigung der erhöhten LKW-Container-Fracht gepaart mit steigendem privaten Wochenendreiseverkehr.
• Bien Hoa – Vung Tau expressway (68km) zur Verbindung bedeutender Industriezentren in der Dong Nai Provinz mit Tiefseeumschlagplätzen.
• Arbeiten zur Vertiefung der Fahrrinnen sind im Verzug, sodass die Reedereien derzeit nicht den Nutzen einer effektiven, unmittelbaren Löschung und Umschlag von Großschiffen haben.
• Die elektronische Zollabwicklung sollte beschleunigt und die Zollämter dazu gebracht werden, interzonal und provinzübergreifend besser zu kooperieren, um unnötige Formalitäten zu eliminieren, die zu erhöhten Kosten für Reeder und Importeuren führen.
• Im Norden Vietnams könnte der Lach Huyen Terminal und dessen landseitige Infrastruktur ohne weiteres innerhalb von vier Jahren errichtet werden. Zu einer erstzunehmenden Terminalüberlastung kann es bereits 2010 kommen, falls die wirtschaftliche Erholung dann vollständig eintritt, wie das VBF hofft.

Wenden sie Sich an Oliver Massmann unter wenn Sie Fragen haben. Oliver Massmann ist der Generaldirektor von Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Anwalt in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Franchising

Eine Strategie als Schlüssel zum Erfolg in Vietnam für Franchisegeber. In einer Welt ständiger wirtschaftlicher Ungewissheit, scheinen ausländische Investoren Vietnam als gelobtes Land zu betrachten. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Franchise-Sektor, in dem Vietnam noch bis vor kurzem dem restlichen Asien hinterherhinkte. Trotz dieses späten Starts, erlebt Vietnam einen beispiellosen Grad an Aufmerksamkeit von der internationalen Franchise-Branche. Die kürzlich veranstaltete Viet Nam International Franchise Show in Ho-Chin-Minh-Stadt (Saigon), hat beispielsweise über 150 internationale Aussteller angelockt. Einer der Gründe für dieses gestiegene Interesse ist die Öffnung des vietnamesischen Einzelhandelmarktes für ausländische Investoren, die seit dem 01. Januar 2008, im Zusammenhang mit den WTO-Verpflichtungen des Staates, erfolgte. Eine weitere Ursache liegt im rasanten Wirtschaftswachstums des Landes, das laut Viet Nam Food and Drink Report das Wachstum der meisten Volkswirtschaften Südostasiens weiterhin in den Schatten stellt. Vietnam wird von den potentiellen internationalen und lokalen Franchisegebern auch vor dem Hintergrund einer stabilen politischen Lage und seiner schnell anwachsenden konsumorientierten jungen Bevölkerung geschätzt, von der ca. 70% im Alter unter 30 sind. Die aufstrebende urbane Mittelschicht hat ein steigendes verfügbares Einkommen und einen unstillbaren Hunger nach Qualitätsprodukten und westlichen Marken.

Die verzögerte Entwicklung des Franchising in Vietnam ist ein weiterer Grund. So ist Franchising ein Geschäftsmodell, das wesentlich auf geistigem Eigentum basiert, wobei Vietnam in der Vergangenheit ein recht unterentwickeltes Justizwesen hatte und einen untauglichen gewerblichen Rechtsschutz zur Sicherung der Rechte von Franchisegebern und -nehmern bereitstellte. Während das Gesetz zum Schutz Geistigen Eigentums von 2005 (überarbeitet 2009) und die Verordnung Nr. 35/2006/ND-CP zur Regelung von Franchise den gesetzlichen Rahmen zur Sicherung des geistigen Eigentums und der Franchiserechte erweitert haben, bleibt Schutz und Durchsetzung von Rechten geistigen Eigentums für Franchise-Geber kritisch und stellt eine Herausforderung dar. Um sowohl von den eigenen Werten geistigen Eigentums als auch dem potentiellen vietnamesischen Markt profitierten zu können, müssen sie sich einer soliden Strategie sicher sein, die gleichermaßen adäquat auf Schutz und Durchsetzung zielt. Der expandierende inländische Franchise Markt, der führende lokale Marken wie Trung Nguyen Coffee, Highlands Coffee, Pho 24, T&T Shoes und NinoMaxx wie auch internationale Marken wie zB. KFC, Lotteria, Jollibee, Dilmah, Gloria Jean´s, Parkson und Metro umfasst, legt nahe, dass bei angemessener Durchführung einer due diligence, professioneller Beratung und mit Beharrlichkeit die Herausforderungen nicht unüberwindlich sind.

Eine Strategie für einen Franchise-Geber sollte Folgendes umfassen:
1 Eintragung Geistigen Eigentums und damit verbundener Rechte. Die Rechte müssen in Anbetracht des first-to-file-Grundsatzes früh eingetragen werden.
2 Warenzeichen. Alle im Rahmen des Franchisings konzessionierten Warenzeichen müssen bei dem Staatlichen Amt für Geistiges Eigentum registriert werden. Die Eintragung einer Marke bietet die Grundlage zum Vorgehen gegen Franchise-Fälscher.
3 Urheberechte. Urheberechte erwachsen originär aus der Schaffung eines Werkes. Es ist zwar nicht notwendig, Urheberechte bezügliche eines Werkes einzutragen, allerdings vereinfacht die Anmeldung bei dem Amt für Urheberrechte es dem Franchiser, den Inhabernachweis aufzustellen, und ermöglicht jedwede Durchsetzung unmittelbarer Rechte.
4 Firmenname. Ein Firmenname ist ein Name unter dem eine Gesellschaft oder Einzelperson im Geschäftsverkehr auftritt. Obwohl eine Eintragung des Namens nicht erforderlich ist, da Rechte unmittelbar durch die rechtmäßige Verwendung eines Firmennamens begründet werden können, ist eine Eintragung des Namens als Warenzeichen empfehlenswert wenn diese dienlich erscheint.
5 Domain-Namen. Ein Domain-Name identifiziert eine Internet-Adresse. Franchiser sollten ihre Domain-Namen zur Vermeidung von Fremdgebrauch im Internet beim staatlichen Internet Center Vietnams anmelden.
6 Geschäftsgeheimnisse/ Know-How
Ein Geschäftsgeheimnis (wie z.B. die Rezeptur von Coca Cola) ist jedes unternehmerische oder technische Wissen, das der Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich ist. Geschäftsgeheimnisse sind in Vietnam geschützt sofern sie von wirtschaftlichem Wert sind, nicht Allgemeingut oder einfach nachvollziehbar sind und der Inhaber sich um Geheimhaltung bemüht. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass der Franchiser die Beweislast dafuer traegt, dass das Betriebsgeheimnis unter Verschluss gehalten wurde, sind sie regelmäßig schwer zu schützen. Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen und Gestaltung von Zugangsbeschränkungen für Angestellte dienen gleichermaßen dem Nachweis von Vertraulichkeit und Berechtigung.
7 Due diligence
Eine Analyse eines potentiellen Franchise-Nehmers durch den Franchise-Geber noch vor dem Eintritt einer Vereinbarung zahlt sich aus. Ordnungsgemäße Prüfungen sind obligatorisch zur Sicherstellung einer strikten Befolgung des Franchise-Vertrages.
8 Franchise-Verträge.
Vor Unterzeichnung des Franchise-Vertrages, sollte der Franchise-Geber darauf bestehen, dass die Vertragsverhandlungen durch eine Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung flankiert werden. Der Franchise-Vertrag, der sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Vietnamesisch ausgeführt wird, sollte alle Aspekte der Verpflichtungen umfassen und einen wasserdichten Schutz der Rechte an geistigem Eigentum bieten, einschließlich der Grenzen der Nutzungsrechte, die dem Franchise-Nehmer übertragen werden. Empfehlenswert wäre auch eine Klausel, die im Falle von Unstimmigkeiten eine Mediation oder Schlichtung statt eines Rückgriffs auf die örtliche allgemeine Gerichtsbarkeit vorsieht.
9 Eintragung von Franchise-Vereinbarungen
Wenn ein Geschäft nach oder von Vietnam aus konzessioniert wird, muss der Franchise-Vertrag bei dem Industrie- und Handelsministerium eingetragen werden.
10 Arbeitnehmer
Eine vernünftige Personalpolitik sollte jedenfalls sicherstellen, dass eine Nutzung von geistigem Eigentum durch Mitarbeiter nach deren Verlassen des Unternehmens ausgeschlossen ist. Vietnamesische Arbeitsverträge, die von Franchise-Gebern oder -nehmern gestellt werden, sollten restriktive Vereinbarungen bezüglich geistigen Eigentums als auch Betriebsgeheimnissen und vertraulichen Informationen enthalten. Durch die Ausbildung des Personals sollte die Bedeutung der Marke vermittelt werden.

Vor dem Hintergrund eines sich entwickelnden gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes und den von den Branchenexperten erwarteten Wachstums des lokalen und internationalen Franchise-Marktes von jährlich 20-30% erscheint der Zeitpunkt für Firmen und Unternehmer ideal, in diesen dynamischen aber vergleichsweise unterentwickelten Markt zu investieren.

Wenden sie Sich an Oliver Massmann unter; wenn Sie Fragen haben. Oliver Massmann ist der Generaldirektor von Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.
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Vietnam is saturated with lively entertainment media and well-produced televisions. By law and policy, however, media and broadcasting activities are considered sensitive sectors in Vietnam and the scope for foreign participation in the same is very limited. The Vietnamese government controls all local media, which are managed either the Ministry of Information and Communications (“MIC”) or the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (“MCST”). This paper is to provide you with a ready reference sources for the laws and regulations governing the activities of televisions/broadcasting and other audiovisual services which foreign investors are permitted to engage in Vietnam and our legal analysis on the same.
Many of the laws and regulations governing the media sector were issued prior to Vietnam’s accession to the World Trade Organization (the “WTO”) (i.e. in January 2007). Following the WTO accession, a number of such laws and regulations on media and broadcasting have been amended accordingly.
• The Law on Cinematography No. 62/2006/QH11 passed by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated 29 June 2006 as amended by The Law amending the Law on Cinematography (no. 31/2009/QH12) passed by the National Assembly dated 18 June 2009 (the “Cinematography Law”);
• The Law on Press passed by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated 28 December 1989 (the “Press Law””) as amended and supplemented by the Law on Press No. 12/1999/QH10 dated 12 June 1999 (the “Amended Press Law”);
• The Law on Investment No. 59/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated 29 November 2005 (the “Old Investment Law”), which is to be replaced by the Law on Investment No. 67/2014/QH13 passed by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated 26 November 2014 from 01 July 2015 (the “New Investment Law”);
• Law on Enterprise No.60-2005-QH11 passed by Legislature X of the National Assembly at its 10th Session on 25 December 2001 and took effect from 1 July 2006 (the “Old Enterprise Law”), which is to be replaced by the Law on Enterprise No. 68/2014/QH13 passed by the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated 26 November 2014 from 01 July 2015 (the “New Enterprise Law”);
• Decree No. 54/2010/ND-CP dated 21 May 2010 of the Government detailing a number of articles of Cinematography Law No. 62/2006/QH11 and Law No. 31/2009/QH12 amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Cinematography (“Decree No. 54”);
• Decree No. 51/2002/ND-CP dated 26 April 2002 of the Government detailing the implementation of the Law on Press and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Press (“Decree No. 51”)
• Decision No. 20/2011/QD-TTg dated 24 March 2011 of the Prime Minister on promulgating regulation on management of paid television (“Decision No. 20”)
1. Foreign Investment Form
Vietnam has one national television station (VTV), one national radio station (VOV) and four inter-provincial broadcasting stations. Vietnam’s broadcasting industry has developed rapidly in recent years with more than 90 percent of Vietnamese households have televisions.
Television (“TV”) is primarily a visual press in Vietnam[1] and accordingly governed by the Press Law and the Amended Press Law. A “press agency” includes an organization/agency that broadcasts programs.
Press is defined as “the essential media for social life; the speaking agency of the Party’s organizations, State bodies and social organizations, and a forum for the people”[2]. Accordingly, a press agency is defined as being the “voice” of government agencies, associations and agencies of the Party. Therefore, a broadcasting station is also considered a press agency and subject to the scope of application of the Press Law and the Amended Press Law and under the oversight of government agencies (i.e., government agencies, the Party’s agencies, and associations)
Current regulations provide that only press overseeing bodies are eligible to apply for a license to establish a press agency or become the management of agency of any press in Vietnam[3] and therefore the establishment of TV channel/broadcasting project that is owned, established and operated by any foreign company in Vietnam appears unfeasible – i.e., this remains the preserve of press overseeing bodies/government agencies.
In short, cross ownership in the TV channel/ broadcasting project is currently not addressed by the regulatory regime of Vietnam and there is no precedent in this regard to-date.
However, foreign radio/TV stations are allowed to supply foreign TV channels broadcasting on Pay TV or satellite TV in Vietnam for the purpose of business through authorized local broadcasting agencies in Vietnam to conduct registration for granting program channel and financial obligation to Vietnam’s State under Decision 20. Many U.S service providers such as American channels are present in Vietnam including movie channels, news channels, sports channels and kid channel. Example of major U.S channels in Vietnam include HBO, CNN, BCC, Bloomberg, Cartoon Network, etc..
2. Licensing
Pay TV
Pay TV service means service applies telecommunications to transmit, distribute program channels, pay TV program and added value services on technology infrastructure for providing pay TV services to pay TV subscribers under service providing contract or equivalent constraint agreements (called as paid television service providing Contract). Pay TV may be provided directly (direct television service) or on request (requested television service) to paid television subscribers[4].
There are currently 40 foreign TV channels broadcasting on Pay TV available in Vietnam as of 13 March 2014[5]. With 3.7 million Pay TV subscribers in a country with a population of 90 million, Vietnam is a promising destination for Pay TV service providers.
Pay TV includes cable TV service (analog, digital, IPTV), digital ground TV service (DVB-T), direct from the satellite TVservice (DTH) and mobile TV service[6]. Decision No. 20 also specifies different licenses required to be obtained by Pay TV providers TV (i.e. Pay TV content providers, Pay TV translators and editors, Pay TV service providers, etc.), which must be established legally under the laws of Vietnam, to provide foreign TV channel on Pay TV. The following licenses required to be obtained for any activities in connection with Pay TV before conducting:
(i) Foreign TV broadcasting station agencies, through its authorized agent in Vietnam which is legally established under the laws of Vietnam, must register their provision of TV channels in Vietnam with the MIC to be issued with registration certificate[7]. The documents for registration application are clearly provided under Article 12 of Decision No. 20.
(ii) Pay TV content providers, editors and translators are required to obtain visual press license.[8] There are currently 40 foreign Pay TV channels licensed to provide edition service for Vietnam Television and Vietnam News Agency.
Satellite TV
Only a limited number of organizations are permitted to receive signal of direct foreign television, foreign television channels from satellite[9] including (i) State organizations at central and provincial levels (party, state and political groups); (ii) press agencies; (iii) foreign organizations in Vietnam; (iv) representative offices or residential offices of foreign press agencies in Vietnam; and (v) foreigners and organizations employing foreigners directly receiving foreign programs via satellite (if those program channels have not been supplied on Pay TV system of Vietnam in the local where such organizes, individuals install signal receivers).
The above organizations must implement the registration with the local Departments of Information and Communications where the direct foreign television signal receivers from the satellite are located. All documents required for application of registration and timeframe for issuance of registration certificates are provided in Decision No. 20.
3. Restrictions
• Under the Press Law and the Amended Press Law, the content of all programs broadcasting on Vietnamese TV, except for those from direct satellite, are subject to censorship by authorities.
• The content of foreign Pay TV channels must meet people’s demand and not violate the Press Law and the Amended Press Law.
• All foreign TV Pay channels broadcasting in Vietnam must be edited and translated into Vietnamese by editors and translators who are legally licensed.
1. Foreign Investment Form
Under the Schedule of Specific Commitments in Services annexed to the Protocol of Accession of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the WTO (the “WTO Commitments on Services”), foreign investors are allowed to invest in audiovisual services[10] in Vietnam in the form of business cooperation contracts (“BCC”)[11] or joint ventures (“JV”)[12] with Vietnamese partners who are authorized to provide these services in Vietnam. Foreign capital contribution may not exceed 51% of the legal captial of the joint venture. However, please kindly note that specific to motion picture project service, Vietnam’s houses of culture, film projection place, public cinema clubs and societies and mobile project teams are not allowed to engage in business cooperation contract or joint venture with foreign service suppliers.
The Cinematography Law also provide that foreign entities/individuals are permitted to invest in the form of BCC or JV with local partners in Vietnam in this sector[13].
In short, foreign investors are allowed to become certain audiovisual service providers in Vietnam by ways of BCC or JV under of laws of Vietnam and international treaty.
Up to date, there are several foreign-invested companies which have been licensed in Vietnam such as Megastar, Lotte Cinema, etc….
Megastar was established by Mega Star Media JV Company (joint venture between Envoy Media Partners and Phuong Nam Culture Joint Stock Company). Megastar Vincom Cinema (belonging to Megastar system nationwide) was the first one which was set up in 2006 according to the international standards in Vietnam. In 2011, CJ-CGV Company (South Korea) took the control over Mega Star through acquisition of Envoy Media Partners and changes Megastar into CGV.
Recently, Lotte Cinema owned by Lotte Cinema Vietnam Co., Ltd (South Korea) was licensed to establish in Vietnam.
2. Licensing
Foreign direct investments in Vietnam come under the investment regulatory regime of the the Investment Law and the Enterprise Law.
Under the Old Investment Law, foreign investors making direct investment in Vietnam are required to apply for and obtain an investment certificate for the establishment of the project and the entity. This investment certificate concurrently serves as the enterprise registration certificate.
It is important to note that as the audiovisual services is considered a “conditional sector” under the Old Investment Law, it will be subject to the appraisal procedure for obtaining the investment certificate and the Government (via local Department of Planning and Investment or other competent authority) will have discretion to consider and approve or reject the application. The appraisal process may take 30 working days after receiving all the required documents[14]. However, that process in practice may take longer than that time since the sensitive service sectors which will be reviewed carefully by the relevant competent authorities. The documents and procedures for certificate application are provided in the Investment Law and the Cinematography Law, depending the form of enterprise to be established.
Under the New Investment Law which takes effect from 01 July 2015, foreign investors investing in Vietnam and establishing an entity must obtain two separate certificates: investment certificate pursuant to the New Investment Law and enterprise registration certificate pursuant to the New Enterprise Law. The process of applying for investment certificate may take up to 15 days (instead of 45 days under the Old Investment Law) from the receipt of a sufficient dossier but it may take longer in practice.
Moreover, the New Investment Law narrows down the scope of conditional business sectors. Particularly, only paid audiovisual services and requested TV services are considered “conditional sectors”. However, the appraisal procedure no longer applies. Foreign investors are obliged to comply with the conditions set out for these respective sectors and the competent authority will at their discretion carry out the inspection to check the compliance. The specific conditions are expected to be stipulated in the implementing documents of the new Investment Law in the upcoming months.
3. Restrictions under international treaties
• Under WTO Commitments on Services on audiovisual services, foreign investors are allowed to hold up to a maximum 51% stake in a local company engaged in the audiovisual sector which means that all these services are subject to 51% foreign ownership limitation. (Sound recording is also included but recorded as “unbound”, meaning that Vietnam has not committed to allow any particular foreign investment in that area and any investment is at the complete discretion of the Government.)
• We note that the 51% cap applied for foreign capital contribution in an audiovisual services company is also imposed under Article 13.2 of the Law on Cinematography according to which “foreign organization/ individual is allowed to carry out investment cooperation with motion picture production companies, motion picture distribution companies and motion picture popularization (i.e. should include motion picture projection) in the form of business cooperation contract or establishment of joint venture enterprises. For the form of joint venture enterprise, the capital contribution of foreign investor(s) shall not exceed 51% of the legal capital.”
• The Cinematography Law provides that the JV must have a minimum amount of the charter capital if licensed to engage in motion picture production[15]. Specially, the legal capital must be at least VND 1 billion (approximately USD 50,000)[16].
• It is also important to note that with regard to motion picture production, distribution and projection services for the purpose of these business activities, it is stipulated in the WTO Commitments on Services that all films must have their content censored by Vietnam’s competent authorities. In particular, under Article 37 of the Cinematography Law, each motion picture will be subject to a “License for popularization” (including film projection) issued by the competent authority for the purpose of distribution and popularization.
• Another condition for motion picture enterprises, in general, is that the General Director of a motion picture enterprise must be a person having expertise and experience in motion picture activity.[17]
• Vietnam and the EU are finalizing the EVFTA and it is expected to be concluded this year. With the entry into force of this new agreement, members of the EU will enjoy more preferential conditions when investing in audiovisual services businesses. Implementation process of the EVFTA will be monitored and updated in the mean time.

Foreign TV channel/broadcasting are permitted by the laws of Vietnam to supply in Vietnam through authorized agencies provided that it meet satisfy conditions required by the MIC and relevant authorities.
As for production media-related services, pursuant to the WTO Commitments and the conditions, it take the form of a BBC or JV. However, it is subject to the ownership ratio, legal capital and appraisal procedure.

If you have any questions, please contact Oliver Massmann under;

Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC.

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann Taxation of Cross Border Services

I. Source Country Considerations for a Domestic Service Recipient/ Payor

A. Do the laws of your country impose any legal (non-tax) restrictions on ability of a domestic entity to make payments to a foreign entity for provision of services or on the amounts of such payments?

Vietnamese Dong is not free convertible currency, therefore, the payment by a domestic to a foreign entity is governed by rules on foreign exchange control.

Domestic entities who has foreign currencies from export of goods and services or from other current revenue sources overseas must retain foreign currencies bank accounts at credit institutions permitted to operate in Vietnam [1]. Payment made in foreign currencies aboard to a foreign company for provision of services must be transferred via licensed credit institutions. [2]

The Ordinance on Foreign Exchange also stipulates that all the payment in the territory of Vietnam must be made in Vietnam Dong [3] except for payments to certain entities allowed to receive payments from local entities in foreign currencies for international services such as insurance, aviation, hotels, tourism or services provided in isolation zones in international entry/exit ports. However, foreign companies providing services other than above mentioned services in Vietnam are still allowed to receive payment in foreign currencies within the territory of Vietnam if they provide services with the capacity of “foreign contractor” [4]. Accordingly, foreign companies provide services other than services mentioned above under contracts signed by its subsidiary in Vietnam will not be allowed to receive payment in foreign currencies from domestic entities.

Please note that, even though domestic entities are allowed to pay for services in foreign currencies in some circumstances, they have to self-balance their foreign currency needs. In case where the domestic entities do not have sufficient foreign currencies for the payment, they have to buy from the bank. The sale of foreign currencies will be based on the availability of foreign currencies and not all domestic entities are guaranteed for the assistance of the government in balancing their foreign currency needs. As the matter of practice, the payment may be delayed for the reason of having not sufficient foreign currencies. The service contract should be drafted carefully regarding payment clause so that the foreign company does not loose its right to initiate a litigation in case where the domestic entities fail to pay due amount [5].

B. Are there limits on the tax deductibility of payments made to a related party for the provision of services?

Domestic entities “purchasing” services are required to withhold the contractor tax before making payment to foreign service providers. In case where the foreign company sub-contract a part of the contract signed with the domestic service “purchasers”, the withhold obligation of the “purchaser” varies depend on whether the sub-contractor is a domestic entity or a foreign entity [6].

– Sub-contractor is a domestic entity:

The foreign contractor must inform the “purchaser” of the value of the sub-contract. The “purchaser” will not withhold contractor tax on the value of sub-contract. The foreign contractor pay the full value of sub-contract to the domestic sub-contractor without any withholding. The domestic sub-contractor is responsible for its tax obligations as its other business.

– Sub-contractor is a foreign entity:

The “purchaser” withhold contractor tax on the total value of the contract, including the value of the sub-contract. The foreign contractor pay the foreign sub-contractor the net value, without tax, of the sub-contract and provide the sub-contractor with the proof proving that the contractor tax for the whole contract has been paid.

D. What rates of withholding tax apply to:

1. Payments for services provided offshore

VAT: from 0% to 10% of the turnover used for tax calculation
EIT: 5% of the turnover used for tax calculation; 2% for transportation and construction services

2. Payments for know how/intellectual property provided by an offshore entity

VAT: exempted
EIT: 10% of the turnover used for tax calculation

3. Payments of a local entity’s share of its international group’s cost of providing regional services

The payment of a local entity’s share of its international group’s cost of providing regional services can be paid only under the sub-contract signed between the foreign company and its local entity. The value of the local entity’s share will be excluded from the value of the contract for the purpose of tax withholding by the “purchaser”. The local entity is responsible for its tax obligations as its other business.

II. Source Country Considerations for a Foreign Service Provider/Payee

A. If a foreign entity provides services in your jurisdiction, at what point does that entity become subject to income tax in your jurisdiction?

1. Foreign service provider without tax treaty benefits

Foreign service providers are subject to Vietnamese EIT regardless whether the service is considered to be provided through permanent establishments.

2. Foreign service provider with tax treaty benefits

Foreign service provider are subject to Vietnamese EIT when it provides services in Vietnam through permanent establishments or has income derived in Vietnam. Foreign service provider having permanent establishments in Vietnam pay tax on income derived in Vietnam and taxable income derived outside Vietnam and related to the operation of such permanent establishments. . Foreign service provider having permanent establishments in Vietnam pay tax on income derived in Vietnam , which is not related to the operation of such permanent establishments. Meanwhile, foreign service provider not having permanent establishments in Vietnam only pay tax on income derived in Vietnam.
“Permanent Establishments” are defined in the EIT Law as including (Article 2.3):

– branches, management offices, plants, factory/workshops, warehouse, means of transport, mines, oil or gas well, place of exploration or exploitation of natural resources or equipment for exploration or exploitation of natural resources;
– a construction site, construction and installation works, activities of supervision of construction and installation;
– establishments for supply of services, including consultancy services through hired personnel or through other subjects;
– an agency for foreign company;
– a representative office in Vietnam under the following circumstances:
+ having the authority to sign contracts in the name of the foreign company;
+ not having the authority to sign contracts in the name of the foreign company but regularly performing the delivery of goods or provision of services in Vietnam.

The definition of “permanent establishment” may vary in each specific tax treaty.

B. What is the threshold at which a foreign company providing services in your jurisdiction must establish a local presence (for legal and tax purposes) in your jurisdiction?

The local presence of a foreign company may be in one of the following form:

– Representative office: representative office is not allowed to conduct profit-generated operations;
– Branches: to date only foreign banks, law firms are licensed to establish branches to provide services in Vietnam.
– Presence under the Law on Foreign Investment (joint venture, enterprises with wholly foreign owned capital or business cooperation contracts): the issuance of license to foreign investor is subject to market policy of Vietnam which vary for different industries and for different foreign countries.

There is no provision of the laws requesting a foreign company to establish a local presence in Vietnam in order to provide service into Vietnam. Foreign company who do not have commercial presence in Vietnam still can provide services in Vietnam. However, a number of foreign company consider the establish establishment qualified to do business in Vietnam in order to participate in projects that are available to domestic contractors or the project where priority is given to domestic contractors.

III. Source Country Tax Considerations for Employees of a Foreign Service Provider

If a nonresident, noncitizen of your jurisdiction employed by a foreign company is providing services in your jurisdiction, at what point does that individual become liable to personal income tax in your jurisdiction?

A nonresident, noncitizen of Vietnam who is employed by a foreign company to perform service contacts in Vietnam will be subject to Vietnamese personal income tax. The tax liability will depend on the duration of his/her staying in Vietnam.

Foreigners are taxed on their Vietnam-sourced income if they do not spend more than 183 days a year in Vietnam or do not have a permanent residence in Vietnam or lease house under a definite term contract. Foreigners are taxed on their worldwide income once they spend over 183 days a year in Vietnam; or have a permanent residence in Vietnam or lease house under a definite term contract. Foreign nationals who spend 183 days or more in Vietnam and Vietnamese nationals are considered Vietnam tax residents for most tax treatment purposes.

Foreign non-residents are taxed based on sources of income at a fix rate (from 0.1% to 20%).

IV. Tax Considerations in the Jurisdiction of Residence/Incorporation of the Legal Entity Providing Services Abroad

A. Does your jurisdiction impose tax on the worldwide income of a company resident in/incorporated in your jurisdiction or only on income with a local source? If a company incorporated in or resident in your jurisdiction is providing services overseas and is earning income from those services, is that income subject to income tax in your jurisdiction?

Vietnam imposes tax on the worldwide income of a company resident in/incorporated in Vietnam [7]. A company incorporated in or resident in Vietnam providing services overseas and earning income from those services also have to pay EIT on income for income from service provided abroad.

B. If your jurisdiction does impose tax on such foreign source income, what is the applicable rate of income tax?

With respect to foreign invested enterprises, the rate applicable to this income is the rate applicable to enterprise income which is specified in the Investment License of the FIE. The standard rate is 22%, however, many FIEs enjoy preferential rates (e.g., 10%, 15% or 20%), which are granted based on a number of factors.

At present, branches of banks and law firms in Vietnam are subject to the rate of 22% as FIEs.

C. Does your jurisdiction offer any tax incentives for the provision of certain types of services or for the provision of services overseas?

VAT: Exempted from VAT [8]
– Services of credit granting and financial leasing; investment funds;
– Life insurance, insurance for student, livestock and crop/plant insurance and other non-business insurance;
– Health care service;
– Education and professional training;
– Public service such as sanitation, drainage, maintenance of zoos, parks, public gardens, public lighting, funeral service;
– Maintenance, repair and construction of cultural, artistic works, public works, infrastructure projects and charity house; and
– Public transportation.

50% VAT reduction [9]:
– Construction and installation services;
– Transportation, load/unload services; and
– Hotel, tourism and restaurant services

5% of VAT [10]:
– Clean water supply;
– Technical and scientific service; and
– Service directly serving agricultural services.

EIT: newly set up enterprises in geographical areas with socioeconomic difficulties or in domains eligible for special support are granted preferential tax rates of 10 or 20%, in some cases for an unlimited period [11]. In practice, FIEs usually pay no enterprise income tax if they incur losses since income tax is levied on profits.
Tax incentives include so called “Tax Holidays” which may last four years and be followed by a 50% reduction of payable tax amounts for nine subsequent years [12]. The tax exemption or reduction duration is counted from income or turnover in the first fiscal year [13]. Under the previous law, foreign investors who reinvested after-tax profits were eligible to apply to the Ministry of Finance for refund of the paid EIT. Unfortunately, this regulation has been abolished by the new Law on Investment.

V. Transfer Pricing

A. Does your jurisdiction have transfer pricing rules that apply to intercompany services? If so, please briefly describe the key points.

The transfer pricing rules are stipulated in regulations on tax management and Circular No. 66/2010/TT-BTC dated 22 April 2010.

Measures for anti-transfer-pricing are used for preventing the transfer pricing in transaction among affiliates. In case where the tax authority find absurdity in the prices or profit ratio in transaction among affiliates, it has the right to impose “market price” for determining taxable profits of the enterprises involved. To determine the “market price” the tax authority will use the price that the enterprise involve use in transaction with non-affiliates, or the price of the similar goods or services in the market with taking into account the differences in conditions of transactions such as quality of goods and services, trade mark, goods delivery conditions, payment.

B. Does your jurisdiction accept the principle that no intercompany charge is required for services provided by a parent company in the nature of “stewardship” or looking after its investment?


In inbound investment: Inter-company charge may be in 2 manners: (i) allocation of management costs and (ii) provision of management service. Branches are allowed to use manner (i) while FIEs are allowed to use manner (ii) only. Branches and FIEs may present certain proof so that the intercompany charge is deductible from their taxable income but are not compulsory to do so.
In outbound investment: the inter-company charge is not the issue from tax perspective as the income of the offshore establishment will also be accounted together with those of the headquarters.

C. How does your jurisdiction treat cost sharing payments for tax purposes?

Depending on the nature of the enterprises (branches of FIEs) the cost sharing payment should be structured as the allocation of management costs or the provision of management services.

Please contact Oliver Massmann under if you have any questions on the above. Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC. Thank you.

[1] Decree No. 70/2014/ND/CP on detailing certain provisions of the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange and the Ordinance on amending and supplementing certain provisions of the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange promulgated by the Government on July 17, 2014 – Article 5.1.
[2] Decree No. 70/2014/ND/CP on detailing certain provisions of the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange and the Ordinance on amending and supplementing certain provisions of the Ordinance on Foreign Exchange promulgated by the Government on July 17, 2014 – Article 5.2.
[3] Ordinance No. 28/2005/PL/UBTVQH11 dated December 13, 2005 on Foreign Exchange – Article 22, as amended by Ordinance No. 06/2013/UBTVQH13 dated 18 March 2013.
[4] Circular No. 32/2013/TT-NHNN on guiding the implementation of regulations restricting use of foreign currencies in the territory of Vietnam by the State Bank of Vietnam on 26 December 2013– Article 4.
[5] Ordinance on Procedures for Handling of Economic Cases stipulates a statutory limitation for initiating a litigation of only 6 months for economic disputes including disputes relating payment raised from the economic contracts (Article 31.1)
[6] Circular No. 169 – Clause C.2
[7] EIT Law – Article 6
[8] VAT Law – Article 5
[9] Decree 78/1999 dated August 20, 1999 – Article 1.3
[10] VAT Law – Article 8.2
[11] Art. 13 CIT, as amended by Article 1, paragraph 6 of the Law No. 32/2013/QH13.
[12] Art. 14 CIT
[13] Article 14, paragraph 1, CIT, as amended by Article 1, paragraph 8 of the Law No. 32/2013/QH13.

Lawyer in Vietnam Oliver Massmann – New Investment and Enterprise Laws – Meaning Reform or Minor Fiddling?

On 26 November 2014, the National Assembly of Vietnam passed Law No. 67/2014/QH13 on Investment (“2014 Investment Law”) and Law No. 68/2014/QH13 on Enterprises (“2014 Enterprise Law”), both will replace the Investment Law and Enterprise Law in 2005 by 01 July 2015. Major changes of these laws to the past laws and their impacts on the investment environment in Vietnam are discussed in details below.

1. 2014 Investment Law
The 2014 Investment Law makes a great attempt to reduce the number of prohibited business activities and conditional business activities. In addition, it introduces new definition of a foreign investor and replaces the term “foreign-invested enterprise” with “economic enterprise with foreign-owned capital”. It also no longer refers to either “direct investment” or “indirect investment” and certain changes are made to forms of investment in Vietnam. More importantly, the 2014 Investment law for the first time includes provisions regulating M&A activities.
New concepts – but clearer?
A foreign investor was defined as any foreign entity or individual using capital in order to carry out an investment activity in Vietnam. This definition has created much confusion about whether a foreign individual owning 1%, 49% or 51% is called a foreign investor in the past ten years. However, the 2014 Investment Law introduces a much more simpler and clearer definition. A foreign investor is now any foreign individual or entity established in accordance with the foreign law.
However, the new concept of “economic entity with foreign-owned capital” – an equivalent term of “foreign-invested enterprise”– does not shed light to the meaning of its predecessor. “Economic entity with foreign-owned capital” is defined as an economic entity which has any member or shareholder which is a foreign investor. It is unclear how much ownership ratio will qualify an enterprise an economic entity with foreign owned capital. Meanwhile, under the 2014 Investment Law, the ownership ratio will decide the licensing procedures for investment projects of foreign investors. If this is not detailed in the implementing documents, difficulties during investment application procedures will unavoidably arise.
Reduced number of prohibited business activities and conditional business activities
Article 6 of the Investment Law narrows down the list of prohibited business activities to six activities instead of 51 activities in the 2005 Investment Law. The number of conditional business activities also decreases from 386 to 267 activities. Notably, the 2014 Investment Law takes an initiative approach that it allows investors to do investment and business activities in fields not prohibited by the 2014 Investment Law. This is a new methodology compared with the old one, which only allows investors to do businesses specifically allowed. Accordingly, there is more transparency and investors have more investment opportunities in Vietnam.
Procedures for implementation different types of investment project
Investment in Vietnam is no longer classified into direct or indirect investment, but depends on either of the following forms:
 Establishment of a new entity for an investment project;
 Investment under Public-Private Partnership;
 Investment under Business Cooperation Contract;
 Capital contribution, purchase of shares or contributed capital in an economic entity.
i. Establishment of a new entity for an investment project;
An interesting point to note is the removal of a requirement to apply for an Investment Registration Certificate (“IRC”) of investment projects by domestic investors, regardless of the investment capital amount. Moreover, the application procedures no longer involves 2 steps: investment registration and investment appraisal procedures. However, for foreign investors with an investment project to establish a new entity in Vietnam, instead of applying for an IRC and such certificate concurrently serves as an Enterprise Registration Certificate (“ERC”), they are now required to separately apply for two different kinds of certificates: IRC and ERC. This could be more burdensome for foreign investors in terms of time and cost.
ii. Capital contribution, purchase of shares or contributed capital in an economic entity.
Under the 2014 Investment Law, capital contribution of foreign investors can be in the following forms:
(1) purchase of shares issued for the first time or additionally issued of joint stock companies;
(2) capital contribution to limited liability company, partnership companies; or
(3) capital contribution to other economic entities not falling under (1) and (2).
Foreign investors making investment by contributing capital, purchasing shares or contributed capital must register their investment with the local Department of Industry and Trade if (1) Foreign investors contribute capital, purchase shares or contributed capital in economic entities in conditional business activities applicable for foreign investors; or (2) capital contribution, purchase of shares or contributed capital results in 51% or more ownership of charter capital of certain economic entities in the targeted economic entities. Certain economic entities include entities which have (1) a foreign investor holding from 51% of its charter capital or the majority of its partnership members are foreign individuals (for economic entity being a partnership enterprise); or (2) an economic entity in (1) holding from 51% of its charter capital; or (3) foreign investors and economic entity in (1) holding from 51% of its charter capital.

2. 2014 Enterprise Law
The 2014 Enterprise Law simplifies the procedures for establishment of enterprises, introduces new provisions regarding company management and clearer regulations on Group of Companies. Establishment of enterprises
The 2014 Enterprise Law no longer requires the specification of business lines in the ERC. Indeed, enterprises may do any business not prohibited by the law and register their activities with the registration authority. If they do business in conditional sectors, they have to ascertain that they meet all the required conditions. The liabilities rest on the enterprises when the authority inspect their activities and may apply fines if they do not meet the required conditions. Moreover, under the 2014 Enterprise Law, if there is any member not fully contributing their committed capital after 150 days from the issuance of the ERC, enterprises have to apply for charter capital adjustment. Moreover, a single limited liability company is also allowed to reduced its charter capital, which is prohibited under the 2005 Enterprise Law. In terms of capital contribution, the 2014 Enterprise Law consistently applies the 90-day period for capital contribution for both limited liability companies and joint stock companies. Meanwhile, under the 2005 Enterprise Law, this time limit is 36 months for both types of companies. This is clearly a stricter rule and significantly impacts investment in large scale projects, for example, infrastructure or construction projects.
Company management
i. Legal representative
Limited liability companies and joint stock companies may have more than one legal representatives depending on the need of the companies. The company’s charter will specify the number, management title, rights and obligations of the legal representatives. If the enterprise has only one legal representative, this person must still authorize another person to perform his or her rights and obligations when he or she is out of Vietnam, irrespective of the absence duration.
ii. Structure of a joint stock company
A joint stock company can now choose to structure the company in either of the following ways: (i) General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Management, Control Committee and Director or General Director. In case the company has less than 11 shareholders and shareholders which are organizations own less than 50% of total shares of the company, the Control Committee is not required; or (ii) General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Management, and Director or General Director.
Group of Companies
The 2014 Enterprise Law clearly defines parent-subsidiary companies. A company is called a parent company of another company if it: (i) owns more than 50% of the charter capital or the total normal shares of that company; (ii) has the right to directly or indirectly appoint the majority or all of the members of the Board of Management, Director, General Director of that company; or (iii) has the right to amend or supplement the charter of that company.
A subsidiary is not permitted to contribute capital or buy shares in its parent company. All subsidies of the same parent company cannot together contribute capital or buy shares to own each other. Further, subsidiaries of the same company with at least 65% state ownership may not together contribute capital to establish a company.
With the adoption of the 2014 Investment Law and Enterprise Law, the investment environment in Vietnam now becomes more attractive to foreign investors to a certain extent. However, from investors’ perspective, they need more clarifications and better treatment. We will need to see the real impact of these new laws when their implementing documents are introduced in the upcoming time and their application.

Should you have any questions, please contact Oliver Massmann under; Oliver Massmann is the General Director of Duane Morris Vietnam LLC. Thank you!


From the online press in Vietnam, the National Assembly passed the amended Enterprise Law (“EL”) and Investment Law (“IL”) on 26 December 2014. The amended Enterprise Law has 10 chapter with 213 articles while the amended Investment Law has 07 chapter with 76 articles.

The amendment of those 02 important laws is expected to create more favorable conditions for the enterprises to enter the market, to protect the rights and interests of the investors, shareholders and business members, and meanwhile to improve the management of foreign investment.


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